Here you well learn how to farm or how it works:
We generly start seeding towards the end of April or the beginning of May. Here is a pictuer of a Airdrill, we use this for puting the crop in the ground. The tank in the back holds all the grain and there are openers coming down on the Seeddrill where all the seed comes down and into the grond. The seed gets from the tank to the drill with air blowing it all through hoses.
We spray through out most of the crop year, for insects or weeds. This is a Rogater sprayer, and we use the sprayer for spraying weeds out of the crop so that the weeds can't effect the crop. We use it for spraying insects that like to eat the crop, and for desicateing the crop in the fall before we harvest it.
click here for the source of the image.
We generly start swathing in Augest. This is a Swather and we use it for cutting down the conola and putting it in swaths and then it sits on the grond for a couple weeks untill it is ready for combineing.
You Can learn about Harvest on the home page.